before you travel to any country, you have to know about your possible problems and risks. you need to have general information and travel guide about that country or place so that you do not get confused during your trip and enjoy it enough. If you are a searcher and want to travel to other countries to get more information in different fields of that country and its different regions, it is better to start your journey with a prior knowledge and information. This knowledge can include the history of that country, the culture and lifestyle of its people, language and dialect in different parts of that country, security and political structure in that country, and so on. Traveling to other countries is always associated with some risks that if you do not know enough about them, travel will be unpleasant for you. For example, traveling to any country will be accompanied by purchases from that place. If you do not have enough information and travel guide from reputable shopping malls, you may incur additional costs in your purchase. Or in some occasions if you don’t have enough information about the climate of a country or region before your trip, you may encounter an unfavorable climate that will reduce the pleasure of your trip. Sometimes your trip to a country may not only be for fun, but also for business purposes. If you do not have enough information about the laws and business facilities of the destination country, you can not do business easily and without problems. IRANdirectory tries to provide you with complete information about Iran in various cultural, social, political and geographical fields, etc., in order to help you know any possible dangers and risks and learn you how to solve them and give you the pleasure of traveling to Iran.